Mandee Lee Wellness

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Magical Meditation

I sat down to meditate this morning and couldn’t even begin to… begin. I couldn’t sit still or remotely clear my mind or stop checking my phone or anything else that I wasn’t supposed to be doing. I decided to get out my goal journal and start there. 

I have a special journal that is only for goal related topics. I write goals, brainstorm how to achieve them, write down what my life looks like once those goals are reached… I also write especially inspiring nuggets that I find along the way in here. No everyday to-do or grocery lists allowed in here. I picked it up and started flipping through the pages. Since I am so intimately connected and excited about everything inside of this special little book, I immediately zone in and start to make new notes as I flip along. This is exciting. This is fun! This is why I have this little book. 

Now that I have a high-vibe buzz going, I can feel that the time is right. I close my book and prop myself up comfortably on my favorite couch where I have been sitting. This is my go-to place to write or meditate or have some “me time”. I’m pretty sure I’m the only person that sits on it and, in my opinion, it’s the best seat in the house. Side note: You don’t have to sit on the floor to meditate… get comfy. I close my eyes and a particular phrase immediately jumps out at me from my notes. “Everything we see and say reflects either love or fear.” This is immediately followed by the thought trail, “I choose to see with love. So much love. So much love…” It goes on and on. Then, suddenly, I began to think of all of the ways we love. Love isn’t just romantic love. It’s friendship and gratitude and compassion and grace and generosity and forgiveness and so much more. Love is endless. 

By this time, I can feel the smile just stretching across my face. I feel like I’m floating and I know that something magical has just happened. All of a sudden, the thought, “Ok. It’s time to get to work,” pops into my head and I know it’s time to get up and start spreading this magic out into the world. I’m excited to do my work because my purpose is to help others find these moments of magic in their own lives. How could I not be excited about that? We all do it in our own ways and have our own special gifts to share with the world. We stay inspired because of the magical energy we pick up from others who are lit up by life and the light keeps spreading. It’s all just a wonderful ripple effect. 

So, I suppose my take-aways for you are:

  1. Get a special journal of your own and make it a sacred space for your most magical, inspiring goals and dreams. It will serve as an endless source of inspiration for you when you need it.

  2. When you feel like you just couldn’t possibly settle into a meditation, do it anyway.

  3. You don’t have to have a completely quiet mind for a meditation to be successful. I didn’t go into this with a specific intention of focus… it just came to me and that’s the beauty of the whole process. Just go with it.

I stood up from my special couch with my special book after my special meditation feeling like this world is a special place and that I have something special to contribute to it. I don’t know how a meditation could be any more magical than that. 

“Everything we see and say reflects either love or fear.”
- Gabrielle Bernstein
The Universe Has Your Back