Mandee Lee Wellness

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Who Has Your Back?

“Friends who support your dreams are those who see your success as a reflection of their own.”
-Gabrielle Bernstein, May Cause Miracles

Dreaming big dreams is easy. Achieving big dreams is hard. Being a dreamer can be isolating and sometimes it can feel like a lonely road uphill. It can feel like no one understands or "gets it" and you're on this journey all by yourself. It doesn't have to be this way and it's up to you to make sure you set yourself up for success with whatever it is you are trying to achieve by getting a support system firmly in place. Not everyone has to "get it". It's not their path and it's not their business and that's completely ok. A great supporter will have your back whether they "get it" or not. That's the beauty of it. They are by your side during all of your adventures (brave, wacky, wild and otherwise) because they believe in you and share the same mindset that anything is possible... and even if you fall on your face (who hasn't at some point) they'll be there to pick you up and help dust you off and they'll be the ones you can laugh about it with later when the lessons have been learned. 

I have made it my life's work to support people as they set out to achieve their goals so I have seen first hand, personally and professionally, how important it is for people to have a system in place. This is why Weight Watchers has meetings. This is why AA has meetings. There is significant power in a group that is striving daily to be better than they were yesterday. Surround yourself with people who make life fun and remind you that there is a fire inside of you yearning to set spark to something big. These people are your tribe and they are so invaluable to your success. Sometimes they aren't who you would expect, so please be open to fostering this type of relationship with someone other than your family. Sometimes family can be our biggest source of encouragement, but sometimes they just aren't and that's ok because there are others out there who will be happy to step into that role for you. 

If you're looking for someone to support you on your journey, you can hire someone like a trainer or a coach (I happen to know a great one, *wink wink*) or you can join a group like a Bible study or a book club, depending on what your goals and interests are. I'm creating the Full Circle Members Club EXACTLY for this reason. Sometimes it's not so easy to find like-minded people, but you know they have to be out there! Where do you look when you also have a job and kids and a house and a million other things to focus on as well? I'm creating a place for that and the doors will be opening soon. Find out more about Full Circle and join the waitlist HERE

Regardless of how you choose to go about it, I encourage you to make your support system a priority... 

  • Get clear on what you want to achieve and why it's important to you.

  • Figure out who you know (or where you can find someone) that makes you feel empowered and capable.

  • Spend some time nurturing that relationship.

  • Think about how you can support someone else in the same way.

There is a drastic difference in the energy surrounding a person who feels alone and a person who feels supported. Guess which one has a better chance of achieving their goals. Seek out support and set yourself up for success. 

"Encourage, lift and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all."
-Deborah Day